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Holistic Consultations for personal growth & development 

A safe and open environment for healing

Holistic Consultations 

Individual Sessions focus on solutions to your unique situation. One-to-one we work on gaining clarity, choosing your path, and moving in a positive direction.


Energy Healing

Energy Healing uses several techniques to help balance  your energy system, especially in times of stress or illness. It opens up pathways for energy to flow more freely, which results in making a person feel calmer, stronger, and healthier. It also brings clarity and helps a person make better decisions and choices. 


Mindfulness Workshops provide training which includes learning to focus on the present moment, using breath to support and calm oneself, and responding rather than reacting from a place of feeling stressed.

Proven Ways to...

Reduce & Manage Stress:

Having a person you trust to talk to.

Being more present in the moment.

Expressing emotions.

Relaxing & comforting touch.

Doing an activity you enjoy.  

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